Evidence of Quiz Taken:

I got a 25 out of 25 on the quiz, which was a higher score than I expected to get. I will be discussing how I felt about the test overall.

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Thoughts on the Quiz:

I did way better than I expected and compared to the previous College Board Multiple Choice Quizzes, I understood much more material and it took me much less time. A lot of the questions, I realized, were topics covered in the weeks prior where we learned about other Big Ideas, learned about certain topics and had group/class discussions.

Corrections for Incorrect Questions:

There are no questions to correct for this quiz. I didn't feel like there were any question that I felt puzzled or confused by.


Overall, I think I did great on this multiple choice quiz. Last time, it took me a lot of more time to digest what the questions were asking and then understand how I could even decide the answer. I understood the majority of the topics on this quiz almost after a minute or two with multiple reads. From the last multiple choice, I feel like I have actually learned a lot more, even if it is the most basic knowledge. Before this quiz I was really discouraged about my progress and felt like I have not really learned much or made any progress, but from my results and the way I got through this quiz, I think I am on track so far in APCSP.