Ideation and Planning

To build a functional and interactive quiz, I needed a good topic and questions. I decided on a topic of Mountains and Mountain Ranges and wrote the following three questions with answer choices:

What is the tallest mountain in the World? Answer Choices: Mt. Everest, Mt. K2, Mt. Fiji, Mt. Kilimanjaro.

How many main mountain ranges exist in America? Answer Choices: One, Two, Three, Four

What is the World Record altitude for a human mountaineer? Answer Choices: 29,029 Feet, 26,545 Feet, 28,750 Feet, 24,075 Feet

I then got to designing the actual quiz on AppLab. Here's an image of my initial Javascript code, where I used the most basic functions:

Screenshot 2022-09-12 120308

Mountains Quiz

Successes and Failures

The whole process went relatively smoothly, with the code and design segments being very straightforward to use. I like the software and how I can seamlessly switch between blocks and actual code to learn Javascript better.

Some setbacks did happen during the process, I initially had some difficulty finding the right code to make up the quiz functions, but eventually I found my solutions with the "switch screen" function. Time management was also an issue, but I managed to finish the quiz and planning by the due date.